Another year has gone by! And what a year it has been for so many of us: a time of transitions, new frontiers, challenges (homeschooling anyone?!), joys and growing in resilience!
As we’ve looked back at our 2021 year here at Cara & Co, we’ve enjoyed the memories that came flooding back through these images - each picture cheering us on with its captured laughter, joy and milestones! There has been a lot of suffering and difficulty throughout the past year as well, but these pictures were beautiful reminders of all the good gifts that have been showered on us throughout the year.
More than ever, this year we have realized that the gifts which mean the most are not made up of physical things. Instead, they are the special people, heartfelt moments, gut-felt laughter and warm gestures of care we enjoyed as a team. When these are all wrapped up together, they create a full bundle of BLESSINGS!
Come share the walk down memory lane with us as we reflect on 2021 in these pictures, and as we look forward to the New Year, 2022!
Remembering past Christmas celebrations! Festivities topped with Swiss Chalet Christmas lunch, eggnog and fun Christmas outfits!
Behind the scenes photography for the launch of our new website this past April, 2020!
A new MAMA on the team! We had such a great time surprising Angela with a baby shower from the team - and those cupcakes were just as yummy as they look (huge thank you to Jess’ talented mom for baking them for us!)
All hands on deck for setting up our new warehouse for CaraPLUS! It took every last bit of our energy (and some of our kids) to make sure that PLUS was ready just before our launch in May!
Preparing for Black Friday month and all the goodies included in your packages! A great way to include our littles in the company and for them to feel like they are truly part of the Cara & Co team!

Winning our 1AWARD this year through First Ontario Credit Union was a MASSIVE reason for celebration and excitement! Everyone pitched in as we practiced our presentation for the judges, and we couldn’t have done it without the entire team and their amazing feedback and help! What an honor to receive this award as a company!

It’s a family affair celebrating the team at our traditional summer staff bbq - complete with brisket, bouncy castles and a bonfire - and a billion kids! :)
Sometimes a new baby at work makes the day so much brighter! Little Benny fills our work space with dimpled smiles - oh, and naps :)! Perfect sleep training :)

Sometimes there is trouble at the office in the form of secretly spilled beads ;)!

Surprising mommy with birthday cards at work! And Sarah and Esther all matchy, matchy!

At Christmas, we all get a little more festive and cozy (and pink!!) at the office!

Special delivery of flowers to celebrate the successful launch of our new website this year!

A fun day of bonding as a team on the golf course :)! Aline and Cassandra basically won everything for us - thank goodness for “best ball” tournaments :D!

Angela helping us make our baby shower blog post come to life - with Benny snuggled up inside too :)

Practicing for our 1AWARDS presentation and celebrating 10k followers on Instagram this year!

Little hands to help mommy (and daddy!) set up a new photography station! He melts our hearts every time!

Marta gets married! We are so proud of how Marta navigated so many disappointments around her wedding (due to covid restrictions) with such grace - and we were blessed to celebrate with her!
We praise and thank God for how each person on our team has specific gifts and plays such an important role in all of our lives. It’s our prayer that the year ahead will be one of peace and goodwill to all - especially as we pause this Christmas season to remember the birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ!
Luke 2:10 “...the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid! I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour which is Christ the Lord!”
Cheers to everything to come in 2022! May your hearts and lives be full of love, joy and peace!
all of us at Cara & Co!