Welcome to the very first "SHOP TALK" post on our CaraBLOG! We are so glad you are here!
Our goal for our NEW Shop Talk series is to highlight different makers & crafters, incredible small-shops, inspiring entrepreneurs, and motivational individuals or families!
There couldn't be a better time than this, as supporting local and small shops during these stressful times will make a MASSIVE, positive impact on makers' personal and family lives.
Today, we are so glad you are here to join us as we delve into meeting Bethany and learning about her growing business! We are so proud of how hard she has worked and developed her brand, Feather & Fox. Co!
Grab a coffee, settle into your cozy chair, and be inspired by Bethany's journey!
(find her Etsy shop here)
My name is Bethany, and I am the proud owner and maker behind Feather and Fox Co.
I learned how to sew when I was young. One of our neighbours offered to teach my sister and I how to sew, and that was the beginning of my journey- the spark that set my creative passion aflame. So with the help of a friend, Feather and Fox came alive in 2016.

One of my goals is to use Feather and Fox Co to teach and train my children more about the ins and outs of business and provide them with the groundwork and opportunity to make their own potential business endeavours attainable.

To be honest, when I first started, I wasn’t sure if I could make a go of this business stuff. But… "you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take" as Wayne Gretzky said. So one step after the next, it slowly developed into a thriving business. Cara & Co have always been willing to answer any of my questions and are a great support.
The name, Feather and Fox, reflects both the girl and boy items I sell. Last year, I designed my logo with the help of Freckled and Fair Design to integrate these two aspects together.

I have always loved having our family coordinate their outfits, and Feather and Fox has options for the whole family! My shop carries items that will grow with your child: from tiny clips for wispy hair, to scrunchies for longer, thicker hair. I also make bow ties for boys and men which is perfect for weddings and photo shoots.

This has been a great learning experience for me, and I thank God for all the many people He has brought into my life to walk this journey with me. My biggest supporter is my husband, Steven. And along with our 5 kids, this business has become a family affair.

Some of the hard parts about running a small shop is learning how to balance life and work, as well as strengthening the areas that need improvement. Life is a journey of learning new things, making the good better, and the better best.
You can go out of your comfort zone and learn new things. Start today. Write down some dreams and/or goals and start researching the market to discover how to make those dreams a reality. I have been reading the book, The E-myth, where Micheal E. Gerber says, “Do business on purpose.” It’s not about just winging it and hoping I make money at the end of the day. It’s about setting goals and discerning where I would like to see this little business in the next few years.

Hard/smart work goes a long way. I am not immune to the struggles of starting and maintaining a small business. But we are all learning, stumbling and falling, and getting back up again.
Running my own business is very rewarding. I love creating and making unique accessories for people to use and enjoy. Receiving positive feedback and photos from my supporters gives me a sense of accomplishment, joy, and the motivation to further advance my business.
We hope you are inspired by Bethany's story and are able to take away some lessons for your own journey! Leave a happy, thank-you note for Bethany in the comments below, and stay tuned for lots more inspiration to come!
What a lovely story, seriously cute items and beautiful family. It certainly is the best way for your children to have a realistic understanding of what it takes — hard work!!
Always impressed by your work and love your family and your products. Xoxo
What a lovely story, seriously cute items and beautiful family. It certainly is the best way for your children to have a realistic understanding of what it takes — hard work!!
Always impressed by your work and love your family and your products. Xoxo