Shop Talk: Alexis Jordan Designs

Our goal for our Shop Talk series is to highlight different makers & crafters, incredible small-shops, inspiring entrepreneurs, and motivational individuals or families!

Supporting local and small shops makes a MASSIVE, positive impact on makers' personal and family lives.

We’re back with another amazing ShopTalk feature! We’re talking to Alexis from Alexis Jordan Designs about how her struggles in life have blossomed into a vibrant and fulfilling business. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful story with all of us, Alexis!

Shop Talk - Alexis Jordan Designs - CaraBLOG

Hi, my name is Alexis, and I started creating baby products in the early fall of 2021. I started my shop during a very tumultuous period in my life. Everything in my life seemed to be going against me. Starting my shop changed everything for me.

To provide a little context, my current fiancée and I found out during the first half of 2021 that we were expecting our first little one; however, I quickly realized everything was not going as I had expected or planned.

I was diagnosed with Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) during week 5 of my pregnancy. I experienced extreme and relentless vomiting and nausea. My symptoms were debilitating, and I was sick morning and night. I was isolated to my home because driving caused too much motion sickness. I could not socialize, and friends and family struggled to believe or understand what I was going through. My symptoms were so severe that I even had to quit my job. On top of everything, the pandemic and lockdowns made my life even more lonely and difficult.

Alexis Jordan Designs - Shop Talk Blog Feature - CaraBLOG

These were some of the darkest moments of my entire life. It felt as though I would never get any sense of physical or mental relief. I needed to find something to do at home that would occupy my mind and give me some enjoyment. As a long-time nanny, I immediately gravitated towards creating something safe and functional for babies.

I began creating my own pacifier clips and teething toys. I loved working with all the various types, styles, and colors of beads. After a short while, I began ordering letter beads to make my creations more personable.

Alexis Jordan Designs - Pacifier Clips - CaraBLOG

Before long, I began sending my clips and teethers to family and friends, who were having babies of their own. It made me feel connected to my loved ones once again. I WAS HOOKED! I wanted to start creating anything and everything I could.

After seeing such a positive response, I wanted to share my products with anyone who would benefit. I began expanding my bead selection - quickly filling our guest room closet. I was extremely happy to make something stylish and safe for so many different families!

Alexis Jordan Designs - Instagram - CaraBLOG

Social media is a great outlet to share my products and branch out into many communities. It still brings so much joy when I see a baby using one of my pacifier clips.

Baby Accessories - Small Shop - CaraBLOGBranded Pacifier Clips - Personalized Pacifier Clips - CaraBLOG

I’ve created life-long friends through this shop. I’ve connected with so many amazing people and families. I cannot imagine where I would be today if I never went through this ordeal. I might not have ever started my shop otherwise!

Baby Accessories - Baby Signs - CaraBLOGBaby Teethers - Personalized - CaraBLOG

This experience really opened my eyes to the benefits of working from home. I am now in control of how and where I work, while doing something fun and that I enjoy.

After all I’ve gone through, I am extremely proud to say that I’ve made over 500 sales in my first four months of business. I’ve made sales in 47 of the 50 states, and I’ve also begun selling overseas. I’m also so proud to have positively impacted so many moms, babies, and families for the better good.

I am so excited to see what’s in store for me next!


We hope you enjoyed reading through Alexis’ story! We’re so proud to support the small shops that make up our industry, and are so thankful for women like Alexis that are willing to share their experiences.

Make sure you check out Alexis Jordan Designs beautiful products on Etsy


-the girls

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Hi Daisy!
That’s so kind of you to say, we totally agree! Xo

Cara & Co Team

She is the sweetest shop owner and her products are amazing!! I’ve recommended her to all my friends!! 💛💛

Daisy Arambula

Hi Daisy!
That’s so kind of you to say, we totally agree! Xo

Cara & Co Team

She is the sweetest shop owner and her products are amazing!! I’ve recommended her to all my friends!! 💛💛

Daisy Arambula

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