It’s heeeerreee!! Christmas is in full swing - every store we visit is filled with festivity and we can’t WAIT to get decorating at home!
This year at Cara & Co we’re doing Christmas decorating a bit different than years previously ;) We LOVE a traditional Christmas scheme - don’t get us wrong! But this year? This year we’re doing Christmas in color!!
We’re so excited for the holidays, and putting up our office tree! But it got us thinking - what’s a fun twist on decorating that we can do? What Cara & Co supplies can we use to inspire our theme?
We talk a lot about creativity - what’s something unique we could do for our own Christmas decor using our products?
We started with the idea of making a Christmas tree out of beautiful paper honeycomb decoration balls. They’re usually meant for birthdays or other celebrations, but with a few color tweaks and appropriate stacking, we managed to make ourselves a pretty festive looking tree!
And what Christmas Tree is complete without a tree skirt?? Not ours that is! All we did was buy 2.5 yards of seafoam colored flannel (because no one has time for fraying fabric!), cut it into a circle, and hot glued Felt Balls on the edge. So easy. So festive!
You can always add color to your Christmas decorations in a few easy ways! Those dollar store wood kits? They make the perfect addition to your Peg People set! Paint up a cute little house or wood car and you’ve got a fun, kid friendly peg set! We even went after our little wooden nutcrackers with some paint… because, why not? :)
Stringing up a colorful garland is also a super cheerful way to inject color into your decor. We stuck with our Pink, Seafoam & Red theme, spacing out our felt balls on white cording. A simple knot on either side of your felt balls will keep them in place!
We carried our theme into a mantle wreath, but this one we wanted to keep modern and simple. We found a foam wreath form and wrapped it with bright red ribbon. A couple Felt Balls and Aluminum Beads (to give it a bit of shimmer) and we couldn’t be happier with the result!
Advent calendars are also a super fun way to add color to your home at Christmas time. We made ours out of our adorable little Muslin Bags. The fabric paints up perfectly, and we can still use the ties to keep them closed!
And of course, what Christmas theme is complete without a festive Christmas Tree Decoration to tie it all together! We were loving playing with the felt balls so we thought we’d show a quick tutorial on how to make your own Felt Ball Hanging Ornament!

Supplies Needed
- 2.5” Foam crafting ball (we found ours at our local dollar store)
- Hot glue and glue gun
- Approximately 45-55 Felt Balls
- Ribbon of your choice
1. Making your own Felt Ball Hanging Ornament couldn’t be easier! Measure out a length of ribbon and fold it in half. We used a ribbon about 8” long.
2. Hot Glue your ribbon ends together, and then hot glue the ribbon end to the foam ball. *Foam does melt with hot glue, so be sure to hold it a little bit longer than usual for the glue to set up and the foam to stop melting.
3. Starting around your ribbon handle, arrange your felt balls and glue them one by one.
4. Once you’ve got the entire way around your ball, you’re done! That’s it! Super easy!
Do you enjoy Christmas crafting with your home decor? We would LOVE to see some of the decorations you’ve made using your Cara Supplies! Make sure you tag us on social media using #createdwithcarasupply
Happy Decorating!
-the girls