We’ve all been there—you get up, get the kids ready, clean up the breakfast mess, blink, and it’s 4:30 p.m. Where did the day go??? How did this happen!?! You know you did things, but…..what was it that you did?
Here are 10 SUPER-easy, SUPER-simple ways that have often helped us to not just be productive, but actually feel productive during our day:

- Make your bed. Right after you get out of it. It’s the best way to start your day off on the right foot and feel more confident. If you have a great day, you'll feel accomplished for doing it. If you have a terrible day, you'll have tidy, cozy bed to collapse in, so you can rest and start fresh tomorrow.

- Put on some makeup. Or maybe not makeup. Maybe a bit of dry shampoo. Maybe just wash your face and brush your teeth. Whatever makes you feel pulled together and ready to go, take 5 minutes and do it before the day starts.

- One load a day is better than none—you’ll still avoid the end-of-the-week pile-up! (Pro tip—try doing it while the kids are eating breakfast!)

- Sit down with your coffee, tea or morning shake.
- We have kids - we get it, that time is hard to find. Try to find it at least once in your busy day!
- Take a few deep breaths and remember that life is more than an immaculate house and empty laundry baskets.

- Include a couple of super-easy-to-accomplish items you know you’ll get done quickly. No, it’s not cheating; yes, it’s positive reinforcement.

- Even if it’s the only thing you do in their rooms that day, you'll still be ahead!

- Clear off the kitchen counter and wipe it down.
- Pick up stray books / toys and put them in their places.
- Make all the beds that you might have missed. 😊
- Cleaning Mantra: If it can be done in under 2 minutes, don’t avoid it! Just do it!

- Pro Tip: make that time midday—it’s a lot easier to tackle one morning’s mess than an entire day’s worth (especially at the end of the day when our kids are in meltdown mode!) You save yourself a bit of work and you teach them to clean up after themselves. 😊

- Pick a time that works for you all (before or after a nap; before or after snacktime, etc.), turn off your notifications, put your phone in another room, break out the blocks / paints / Play-Doh / crafts / books, and play. It’s not quality time; it’s quantity time, and those 15 minutes you invest will feed both your soul and theirs.

- Get lunches / snacks ready for school-age kids.
- Going out tomorrow? Make sure the diaper bag is stocked and ready to go, sitting by the front door. Pick out your clothes and set them on top of your dresser.
- Carrot sticks, apple chips, and grapes / mandarin oranges in Ziploc bags make snack time a breeze!
Don’t sweat the small stuff, and don’t forget that a happy home is much more than tidy rooms and freshly-bathed, smiling children. We’re all figuring it out as we go along, and mistakes are part of how we learn what works for our families and what doesn’t—give yourself (and others!) GRACE as you GROW.
Got any tips or tricks to share? Let us know in the comments section!
- the girls